Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Computer-related Invention

Computer-Related Inventions

Some of the greatest and amazing computer related inventions are 3-D printing, integrated circuits and chips, computer mouse, and most importantly internet. 3-D printing is important to the world because it allows one to create something with other materials. For example surgeons are always trying to save lives but if there's a possibility to save more time for someone who maybe suffering from liver deification's, this is the best time a 3-D printer will come to use.  It buys time for a patient before receiving a donor liver. Computer mouses are very useful because without them we wouldn't be able to use any type of computer besides a laptop. Lastly, we have the internet which is one of the main sources because now every technology needs internet/WiFi in order to function. Internet is being used everywhere, whether it's at school, on you phones/iPad, laptops and so much more. It has been around for a long time already and each day the number keeps increasing because now it's part of our lives. Integrated chips allows the computer to do it's function and open up browsers and other things.  

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
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  1.        Things I liked about this class were that we learned how to code and learned what it takes to make a website. Another thing is that we continue into the CTR path by writing a 12 sentence paragraph, based on different people. For example one of them were the "Ten Tips for Being more Truthful" and the most recent one was "The Psychology of Winning". This year I was able to explore and understand the significance of computers
  2.        Things I don't like about this class are not doing enough career journals throughout the year. Another thing is that we should have more time on our life planning journal because that's the key to our essential life. But overall the class was a success
  3.        Recommendations for improving this class is to do more CTR cards check, to make sure that one is following the correct path each day and fro the rest of their life. Lastly, is to work more on projects that can allow the students to get a better picture of what coding, html, and CSS is. 
  4.        Yes, I am reading my life planning goals journal each day for at least five minutes. I know this is true because it helps me keep track of what has to be accomplish and everyday there's something new I would like to achieve.  
  5.        Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person because it helps me realize the importance of being kind and avoid toxic people who are willing to bring you down. Another thing is that I can motivate someone else to become a CTR person and choose the right path because it will make you feel better about yourself and lead you to a successful path.
  6.       Something I learned from this class, that I would be passing on to other students is that they should prepare themselves on how to use html, CSS and coding so that they can master it. They should understand, exploring computers is very useful because maybe someday in the future you will need it. 
  7.        One thing I will always remember about this class is how I learned to always choose the right and the harder you work the end results always come back positive.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Note-taking Software Applications

Not-taking Software Applications

There are several note-taking software applications for example Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, Google Keep, Zoho Notebook, Apple Notes, Dropbox paper, Box Notes, Bear, Simplenote or Quip
  1. Evernote allows you to take notes, clip web pages and record audio. It works good on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and Web
  2. Microsoft OneNote allows organizing thoughts, to-do list, and projects. Works on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Web
  3. Google keep collects images, drafting documents, and creating checklists. Works on iOS, Android,Web

Monday, May 14, 2018

Software Applications

 Computer Software Applications in Education

     The use of computer software in education began in the early 1940's when American researchers developed flight simulators that used analog computers to generate stimulated on board instrument data. Around 1975 the personal computer was made and they called it the Altair 8800. This help change the field of software in general. Now we have different types of software for example course ware, classroom aids, assessment software, reference software and custom platforms etc. All of this helps education evolve and gives teachers access to tools and plenty of other stuff that students can receive. Other access students may receive is graphic software which allows students to capture, create, and change images available on the internet. One of the popular ones would be educational games because it lets students explore online

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Michael Dell

Michael Dell 
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Michael Dell helped launch the personal computer revolution in the 1980's with the creation of the Dell Computer Corporation(now known as Dell Inc). He was born on February 23,1965 in Houston, Texas. He had shown an early interest in technology and gadgets, when he was 15 he bought an apple computer and took it apart in order to understand its function. During his college time he started to build computers and sell them to people. Dell Computer was the largest PC maker. He was the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company. By 2000, Dell became a billionaire and his company had offices in 34 countries. In 1999, he published his first book about becoming success. Dell was intensely private and notoriously shy.  He married in 1989 with his wife named Susan and had four children. Both him and his wife started a foundation in 1999 to help the tsunami victims in southern Asia. I think that Dell made good contribution to technology because this shows young people it's possible to create anything.  

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Psychology of Winning

The Psychology of Winning 
Denis Waitley  
Quality 1: Positive Self-Expectancy
 "Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."
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Image result for positive self expectancy quote       Quality one will talk about positive self-expectancy which is the step toward success. One should have faith in themselves because it only brings greater joy toward humanity. Life is full of opportunities, so if you don't win there will always be a second chance and more. As people we are expected to do our very best. The quote explains how humans aren't able to control every situation and outcome they confront because it's impossible to determine whether it will be good or not. But one thing you may be able to control is your attitude and how you deal with it. Those who are worthy will always come out as winners and never have a doubt on their ability. Ways to apply this quality into my life is by thinking positive, having joy, and lastly never have doubt about my abilities. 

Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation

"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."
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Image result for motivation        Quality two will inform you about positive self-motivation. What comes to mind when you hear this word. Motivation means to have the desire to improve or to meet certain standards. You are a committed person willing to achieve their goal. There's nothing more important then being true to yourself and having the ability to keep going and pursuing goals. Only true winners will find different ways to motivate themselves through the inside to be better. An example would be when you are trying to finish a project but you don't know where or how to start it. Instead of just thinking about it, work on it and come up with ideas throughout the project. The quote explains how having a strong self-image can bring the best preparation for success. Have a positive soul and you'll bring the best out of yourself. Have friends and family who will be there for you during the difficult and easy times. You will learn each time. 

Quality 3: Positive Self-Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.
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Image result for positive self image quotes       From positive self motivation we have moved on to positive self image which is showing how to be yourself, cultivate, and perceive. Self-image can be define by events that affect you in a good or bad way. You should be able to trust yourself in what yo do and any obstacles that are come in your way. An example of this quality would be when you want to pass one of your test, but in order to do that you will have to be prepare and have confidence within yourself. There are ways one can maintain positive self-image. Some are accepting imperfections, don't bully yourself, replace criticism with encouragement or don't feel guilty about things that are beyond your control etc. People may question why do we need to have a positive self-image and that's because feeling good about yourself can affect your mental health and how you behave. The quote explains how accepting yourself shows others that you're not weak, instead they'll see the strong you. I can apply this quality into my life by working on my self-esteem and not letting other people control me. 

Quality 4: Positive Self-Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.
Image result for positive self direction quotes       Having positive self-direction is when you are prepare and know what you want. Those who are prepare know how to use their common sense without having to be told by their parents or friends. You may think it's impossible to have your own self-direction but you're wrong. There's about 15 different ways and the first one is taking initiative which means you do it first without being told, the next one is accepting responsibility meaning you accept the learning and work you do, and lastly is having persistent meaning you will stick to it and not give up. This will take time and space but true winners never give up. The quote explains how having effort and courage are just the first steps and without purpose and direction you're lost. You will need to apply all four to be someone successful. Be your own influence at times because it will be helpful to guide yourself and take action. I can apply this quality into my daily life by having direction towards what I want. It will help me see a different perspective of the world because I won't have the help that my family provides me with, which is a good thing. 

Quality 5: Positive Self Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.
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Image result for self control       Self control means to have the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors when one faces a complication. But in this case those who want to be successful will sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. An example of people using self control is when you encounter a difficult problem on a test, at work or just on your home as well. The quote is explaining if you learn how to use self control then you can accomplish anything, especially when you encounter difficulties. I can apply this quality into my life by trying not to get nervous when I am going to present in front of the class or panel. If I do it just shows that I'm not ready. 

Quality 6: Positive Self-Discipline
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You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.
       Discipline is the practice of training someone to obey rules or a code of behavior. Now self discipline is the ability to controls ones's feeling and overcome one's weaknesses. Those who are winners don't let anyone gain power over them because only they can. They're able to think for themselves and understand the importance of discipline. There are ways one can follow this quality and that's by scheduling you work day, avoiding discouragement, Mark your progress, or have role models that are willing to help you when things get rough and you have to go through some obstacles. Why is self-discipline important? Its important because this shows a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, actions, and reactions. This is one of the important requirements for achieving goals because you gain the power to follow them through without changing your mind. 

Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem 

Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.
Image result for self esteem quotesImage result for self esteem       Self- esteem reflects an individuals overall subjective emotional evaluation. It shows that you are confidence in your abilities and giving yourself respect. Certain people are willing to help others build up their self esteem, so that they can feel good about themselves. You fill yourself with positive words in order to gain control and become a stronger person. An example of this quality would be when you start your first day of high school and see how everyone around you is older. This is the first step towards not being afraid and showing confidence. Always treat yourself after you have completed  a task. The quotes explains how accomplishing something will always bring up your self-esteem and self confidence as well. Which I think is true because they are an important concept of the human life. I can apply this quality into my life by ignoring all the hate and getting it out of my system. 

Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension

Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.
       Self dimension tells you how not to focus on the past but the present, because it's the one that counts more since you decide how you want it to be. What is done can't be undone and we have to live with it, but wee still have plenty of time to change and do something bigger and better. An example of this quality would be when you see someone getting bully and you decide not to tell an adult because you are scare. You end up feeling guilty days later because you may not know how the kid is doing.   

Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
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        Positive self awareness means to have conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, or motives. I read that self awareness is the key cornerstone to emotional intelligence. It has the ability to monitor our emotions and thoughts from moment to moment, so that we can understand one another and get the outcome that we would like. Becoming self-aware is the an early step in the creation of life you want, your future. An example of this quality would be when you are headed to college after you have just graduated from high school. You will need to understand, that there will be a few changes in your life because now you have to control you life without the help of your parents.  The quote explains how having self awareness will lead you towards being a champion and I believe that is true because you'll need confidence withing yourself to bring the best out of you into the world. I can apply this quality into my daily life by trying or learning new techniques that can improve my confidence. 

Quality 10: Positive Action
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other

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Image result for positive action quotes        This is the last quality of the psychology of winning and I will explain to you what I think it means. Positive action is when a person takes the steps to help or encourage others in different ways.An example of this quality would be when you attend a parade and stand up for what you believe is right. You have the courage to inspire and be heard. The quote explains how having positive thoughts and actions, will give you positive results. It is important that you know how to be a motivation to others. The word positive means to be clear and definite, so there's no doubting yourself. I can apply this quality into my life by always thinking on the bright side and ignore the negative comments or obstacles being thrown at me. One can follow this quality by doing what is right or just having a positive mind. 

Computer-related Invention

Computer-Related Inventions Some of the greatest and amazing computer related inventions are 3-D printing, integrated circuits and chip...